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Luxury Apartments in Des Moines, IA

Live and Thrive in The City’s Most Exciting Neighborhood

At The Lyon, residents do more than live. They live the lives they want. From experiencing first-hand the one-of-a-kind sights, sounds, and tastes the city offers to moving freely and comfortably within their homes, our luxury apartments in Des Moines, IA allow residents to build their lives according to their desires. Our complex is in the historic East Village neighborhood, where an eclectic culture flourishes, and the rest of downtown is minutes away by walking or biking. The tallest complex in the East Village, our residents gaze out at the beautiful Iowa skyline and overlook the neighborhood’s riverwalk in peace. Our units are complete with luxuries and amenities that reflect the lifestyle of modern Des Moines. Schedule a tour and discover the home of your dreams.

downtown Des Moines at night

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