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FAQs About The Lyon

We provide potential residents with everything they need to know regarding our policies, requirements, benefits, and beyond. Please peruse our FAQs to get your questions answered. Do you still have questions after reading this? Please get in touch with us anytime you want or ask during your scheduled tour.


What Are Your Application Requirements?

All applicants must undergo a background check which verifies income, employment, and rental history. We will also run a criminal background check for every applicant. For specific qualification questions, please call the leasing office.

Can I Schedule a Tour?

Absolutely! We’d love to walk you through our available units, so you can see and feel the dream yourself. Please reach out to us to schedule a tour. We can’t wait to meet you!

Do You Have On-Site Management?

Yes. Our on-site team is available to take care of your needs Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

Is There an Application Fee?

Yes. We determine your security deposit based on your application results.

What If I Have a Maintenance Emergency After Office Hours?

One of our primary goals is to take care of your needs swiftly. Don’t hesitate to contact our on-call maintenance team if you have a maintenance emergency after hours. They will respond as soon as possible and solve your trouble quickly. Turnaround may depend on the time of day or night you make the call.

Do You Require Rental Insurance?

We recommend having rental insurance, but you don’t need it. However, we do require our residents to provide a proof of liability policy for their units. You must have liability coverage with a $100,000 minimum and $5,000 in personal liability coverage.

Do You Have On-Site Parking?

Yes. Parking is available to lease-holding residents at an additional monthly charge.

Are Pets Allowed?

Of course! We love our residents’ furry friends. We wouldn’t be complete without them! We require a $350 non-refundable pet fee due at the time of move-in and a $35 monthly pet rent.

Are Your Apartments Smoke-Free?

Yes. Residents are prohibited from smoking in the building and units.

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