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A Breathtaking View Over Downtown Des Moines

At The Lyon, every day is a day in paradise. Residents wake up to a tranquil calm high above the city. The skyscrapers across the way stand proudly. The state capitol’s golden dome glows in the sunshine. The Des Moines River swirls below. Its sight transfixes and relaxes you before starting your day. Do you want to begin your mornings like this? If so, consider our luxury apartments for elevated living. Our spacious units offer the perfect layout and size for you, completed with modern styles, accents, finishes, and features. Our team will provide the support you need to live carefree within the home of your dreams.

Your Ideal Floor Plan Awaits You

Whether you want to expand or downsize while staying within budget, we have the right floor plan for you. Each unit offers residents a comfortable place to return after a day of work or play. Peruse our studio, one-bedroom, and two-room options, depending on your needs and preferences:

Studio Tower

335 - 340 sq ft

Studio Flat

440 - 490 sq ft

1 Bed / 1 Bath Tower

502 - 680 sq ft

1 Bed / 1 Bath Flat

740 - 850 sq ft

2 Bed / 1 Bath Tower

690 - 710 sq ft

2 Bed / 2 Bath Tower

1,030 - 1,040 sq ft

2 Bed / 2 Bath Flat

905 - 970 sq ft

Offering More Than a Terrific Floor Plan

Excellent views, spacious units, and modern touches are just a few of the perks of living at The Lyon. Our complex is in the Historic East Village, a haven for arts, music, shopping, and culture in Des Moines. The area provides endless opportunities for fun, relaxation, and discoveries throughout the year. Our amenities offer residents the latest in comfort and convenience, where residents can take advantage of their living space with ease. Make a home for yourself at The Lyon, where we provide everything you need to create the life you want.

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